Set up your monthly sponsorship any way you like! Use this secure form to set up an automatic monthly credit card donation, or use your bank’s Bill Payer feature to automatically mail us a check each month. We have SAFEkeepers who use services like Zelle or PopMoney to make their donation, and others who make recurring gifts through their employer’s workplace giving programs. And some who do things the old fashioned way, by writing a check and mailing it to PO Box 2769, Redmond WA 98073 each month!
Q. What does my sponsorship mean to the horse I am sponsoring?
A. Your monthly gift really adds up! After one year…
…$10 per month pays for a horse’s annual vaccinations and microchipping;
…$25 per month pays for a horse’s annual dental float and vaccinations;
…$50 per month pays for a horse’s training for a month or more; and
…$100 per month feeds a horse high quality hay for a whole year!
Q. What happens if my horse gets adopted?
A. When your sponsored horse is adopted, you will receive an email from us to share the good news with you! You’ll then be given the option to sponsor a new horse, or stop your monthly donations, whichever you prefer.
Q. What happens to a SAFE horse who doesn’t have any sponsors?
A. Every horse at SAFE receives full and excellent care, regardless of whether or not they have enough sponsors to pay their way. Sponsorship is symbolic way to help SAFE by providing a sustainable flow of donations to pay for our herd’s needs.
Q. How do I change the amount of my donation, or provide new credit card information?
A. To change the details of your SAFEkeepers sponsorship, simply contact Lisa at lisas@safehorses.org.
Q. How do I pause or stop my sponsorship?
A. Contact Lisa at lisas@safehorses.org and she will take care of stopping your donation right away.
A note about sponsorship donations
Recurring donations made through the SAFEkeepers monthly sponsorship program are pooled together into a general fund that is used exclusively for the care and feeding of all the horses at our rescue. Sponsorship donations made in the name of a specific horse are considered symbolic, unless the donor specifies exactly how the funds should be used. If a gift is restricted by the donor, SAFE will use that money only for that specified purpose.

Set up your monthly sponsorship any way you like! Use this secure form to set up an automatic monthly credit card donation, or use your bank’s Bill Payer feature to automatically mail us a check each month. We have SAFEkeepers who use services like Zelle or PopMoney to make their donation, and others who make recurring gifts through their employer’s workplace giving programs. And some who do things the old fashioned way, by writing a check and mailing it to PO Box 2769, Redmond WA 98073 each month!
Q. What does my sponsorship mean to the horse I am sponsoring?
A. Your monthly gift really adds up! After one year…
…$10 per month pays for a horse’s annual vaccinations and microchipping;
…$25 per month pays for a horse’s annual dental float and vaccinations;
…$50 per month pays for a horse’s training for a month or more; and
…$100 per month feeds a horse high quality hay for a whole year!
Q. What happens if my horse gets adopted?
A. When your sponsored horse is adopted, you will receive an email from us to share the good news with you! You’ll then be given the option to sponsor a new horse, or stop your monthly donations, whichever you prefer.
Q. What happens to a SAFE horse who doesn’t have any sponsors?
A. Every horse at SAFE receives full and excellent care, regardless of whether or not they have enough sponsors to pay their way. Sponsorship is symbolic way to help SAFE by providing a sustainable flow of donations to pay for our herd’s needs.
Q. How do I change the amount of my donation, or provide new credit card information?
A. To change the details of your SAFEkeepers sponsorship, simply contact Lisa at lisas@safehorses.org.
Q. How do I pause or stop my sponsorship?
A. Contact Lisa at lisas@safehorses.org and she will take care of stopping your donation right away.
A note about sponsorship donations
Recurring donations made through the SAFEkeepers monthly sponsorship program are pooled together into a general fund that is used exclusively for the care and feeding of all the horses at our rescue. Sponsorship donations made in the name of a specific horse are considered symbolic, unless the donor specifies exactly how the funds should be used. If a gift is restricted by the donor, SAFE will use that money only for that specified purpose.